Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How to Create a Book

Create folders on the computer by month
ie) mo 01, mo 02, mo 03 12
Within the months, create sub folders for each year.
ie) 2015, 2016, 2017
Store photos, artwork, graphics, charts, etc.
April 2017 into mo 04 > 2017
May 2017 into mo 05 > 2017
June 2017 into mo 06 > 2017.

Write articles on various subjects.
Scan the flyers into the computer.
Store by date, see Zip Code.
The date gives the address.
The address is where to find
all of the research data.

Zip Code
Create an address for each article
to know where to find it.
Store the articles by date.
ie) month and year, zip code format: z. yymm
The zip code acts like the Dewey decimal system in a library.
It also acts like the zip code of the addresses
the US postal service uses for rapid retrieval.
If the date is between 1900 - 1999, use y. yymm, the year, or the full date.
If the date is prior to 1900 - use the year or the full date.

Write down a table of contents.
Date - Category - Title of Article
List in chronological order.

Digitize the table of contents.
Type up an excel spreadsheet.
Categories = tabs = sections = chapters
Create tabs: one worksheet for each tab.
ie) Life, Church, Science, TV, News
Col A - Col B
Date - Title of Article
Name the excel file.
ie) Wiki 2017
Yearbook of What I Find Fascinating.

Buy a binder and label it.
ie) Wiki 2017
Yearbook of What I Find Fascinating
Create section dividers with tabs
ie) Life, Church, Science, TV, News
Insert the articles by category to each tab.
Each tab is a chapter.
You could spend many hours on a subject,
with 30 written pages.
Create a title page summarizing the subject
with the date and number of pages.
Put just the title page into the binder.

Create a folder on the computer.
ie) Wiki 2017
Create sub folders.
ie) Life, Church, Science, TV, News
Place copies of the just the title pages into each sub folder.
Be sure to include the date which is the zip code, z. yymm.

Type up and format the articles.
Organize in a logical fashion.
Use Microsoft Word and export as a PDF.

Self publish.
Upload the PDF to a publishing website.
Print copies.

z. 1706