Friday, December 29, 2017

z. 1704 - Delicious! Opiates are Salty, Sugary and Greasy

z. 1704
People are like garbage trucks - z. 1704
Do you HATE your brother? - z. 1704
Unsolicited advice - z. 1704
Patrick Swayze died of medicide - z. 1704
How cancer spreads - z. 1704
Medical doctors are over rated and over paid - z. 1704
Diets - z. 1704
Doctors usually are not fiduciaries - z. 1704
Do not incite jealousy, envy by bragging - z. 1704
Runny nose - z. 1704
About doctors in the USA - z. 1704
Doctors see 20 people a day - z. 1704
Eastern vs Western health care - z. 1704
Stop sugary foods, stuff yourself with fruits - z. 1704
Unfounded claims - Bill O'Reilly - z. 1704
Diets, meat, fiber - z. 1704
Sunlight = vitamin D, benefits of, hip fractures - z. 1704
Pigs are scavengers - worms, larve - z. 1704
Triglycerides indicate saturated fat - z. 1704
Runny nose, sinuses - z. 1704
Opiods, heroin, pain killers are very addictive - z. 1704
Care of spine, open up, crack your back - z. 1704
Opiates, cupcakes, sugar feeds cancer cells - z. 1704
Sulking and soaking - z. 1704
Knee lifts for strong glutes - z. 1704
Opiates, sugary, salty, greasy - z. 1704
Jeff Sessions avoids can of worms, magic word THAT - z. 1704
Smile because it happened - z. 1704
Opiates hijack the brain - z. 1704
Trigylcerides measure saturated fat - z. 1704
Suicide and Pills, permanent solutions to temporary problems - z. 1704
You were right, Heat of the Night - z. 1704